membership scam

1 Sep 2023

membership scam

1 Sep 2023 | Management

Recently an email has been circulating, send by a variety of people, offering to sell the membership details of Chamber members.

These emails look similar to this:











Let me reassure members that this is a scam.  Chamber has no association with these individuals, companies or groups.

Chamber does not and will not ever sell membership details or attendee lists to our events.

Unfortunately we have no control over the emails or the scammers, and other than highlighting the issue to our members, we have little we can do to combat this.

If you do receive one of these emails, please delete it.  If a colleague or friend of yours receives one, please reassure them that it is a scam and they can delete it.

Together, we can make sure these scams don’t continue to grow.


Tim Sayre



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