
Why Try to Go It Alone in Business?

As a Chamber member, you will always have access to support, networking, advice and other member benefits.

The Bundaberg & District Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit association supporting our local business community. Your membership fees help us to run regular events, promotions, and keep you informed. We invite you to get to know your fellow business people by becoming a member of your local Chamber.

Membership Types

The Chamber’s membership levels are designed to meet a diverse range of needs. However, all are designed to provide excellent value and help you benefit from being engaged with your local business community.

Business Membership

Our regular membership is open to all businesses with a primary place of business in Bundaberg or the surrounding districts.

Annual Fee: $150.00 (GST included) (Membership starting from date of sign up)

Business Membership includes...

  • Special Membership Rate for Chamber breakfast functions – 6 per year
  • Listing in Members Directory
  • Members Offers opportunities
  • Free attendance – “Last Friday’s” functions
  • Free attendance – Networking at Night functions
  • Discount marketing opportunities

Corporate Membership

Please get in touch with us to discuss a corporate membership package designed to suit the objectives of your business.

Annual Fee: $450.00 (GST included) (Membership starting from date of sign up)

Corporate Membership includes...

  • Free Attendance for one corporate representative at Chamber breakfast functions (6 per year)
  • Additional attendees at Membership Rate for Chamber breakfast functions
  • Your logo will appear on the home page of Chamber’s website with a link to your company website
  • Members Offers opportunities
  • One Horizontal strip ad in Chamber Chat (valued at $250)
  • Free attendance – “Last Friday” functions
  • Free attendance – Networking at Night Functions
  • Discount marketing opportunities
  • Listing in members directory
  • 10% Discount on any chamber advertising
  • 10% discount on Chamber event hosting (breakfast, lunch, Networking at Night)
  • 1 year banner on chamber Website- price at a sliding scale depending on which page selected

Terms and Conditions


The following terms and conditions apply to all content posted on the Chamber website:

  1. Materials of an offensive, sexist, racist, pornographic, profane, libelous, political, religious, unsavoury and/or bigoted nature will not be accepted.
  2. The website is the property of the Bundaberg & District Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber Management Committee reserves the right to remove any materials that in our view do not comply with our terms and conditions.
  3. Any content that is deemed unacceptable by the Chamber Committee will be removed without notice.


Chamber members may use the the Chamber website to promote events they are hosting, sponsoring, or are actively involved with.

The following terms and conditions apply:

  1. Events are defined as ‘organised activities open to other Chamber members that have a clearly defined start and end date’. Examples of activities that are considered events are charity days, seminars, workshops, discussion forums, and awards ceremonies.
  2. The Chamber Committee do not consider retail sales and promotions to meet the definition of an event for this purpose.

To promote your event, include a short description (200 word maximum) and a single information flyer (PDF up to 1MB maximum file size) in the submission area of the Chamber website.



Members may provide special offers or discounts to other Chamber members.

The following terms and conditions apply:

  1. Your offer must be a genuine discount or special offer that is available specifically to Chamber members – not an offer to the general public.
  2. Your Member Offer can be a standing discount or offer OR something that is limited by time or supply.

Examples of how offers may be structured:

  • A discount of X% for Chamber members who purchase over a set amount
  • A special package just for Chamber members
  • A standing discount of X% or $Y to all Chamber members.

To promote your offer to members, please provide the following details on your member page on the Chamber Website:

  • Your offer (be specific – max 200 words)
  • You can add a single flyer or brochure (PDF 1MB max. file size) to support your offer
  • Please explain how you would like Chamber members to identify themselves in order to qualify for your offer
  • You must specify if the offer has an end date or whether it is a standing offer


Members are provided with the facility to create and manage their own business profile on the Chamber website.

The following terms and conditions apply:

  1. Member access to the website is provided at the complete discretion of the Chamber Management Committee
  2. Members will have permission to post a range of details about their business on the website. All postings are at the discretion of the Chamber Management Committee
  3. Only financial members of the Bundaberg & District Chamber of Commerce will be able to post their business details on the website.

You will be issued with login details that will give you access to your member dashboard where you can update your details. Please contact us if you have misplaced your login details.