Changes to WH&S

31 Mar 2023

Changes to WH&S

31 Mar 2023 | Uncategorised

New code to improve mental health in Queensland workplaces starts this weekend

The new code – Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work Code of Practice – commences this Saturday April 1.

It is designed to empower Queensland businesses with practical information and guidance to create mentally healthy workplaces across the state.

The code, which is the first legally enforceable code of its type in Australia, will directly address psychological health risks at work which can be anything from exposure to traumatic events to remote or isolated working.

The code includes advice on how to comply with existing health and safety obligations, after a national review found many employers were unsure of their duties to manage psychological health and safety risks at work.

It also provides practical examples of managing psychosocial hazards in the workplace, industry-specific case studies, and a range of helpful templates that businesses can tailor.Undr

Extensive information about the code and support for businesses is available online, including a recording of a livestream event attended by nearly 3,000 people.

In person regional information events will take place in the coming weeks. (scheduled events listed below)

Under the act, PCBUs have a duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of each worker while at work. Health includes physical and psychological health.

This means that PCBUs must ensure that psychosocial hazards at work are effectively managed.

The PCBU’s duty to workers includes ensuring the health and safety of workers from harmful acts from third parties, such as clients, visitors, or patients.

Examples of what the PCBU is required to do to manage psychosocial hazards include ensuring they provide and maintain:

  • a safe working environment
  • safe systems of work
  • safe use, handling, and storage of equipment, structures and substances
  • adequate facilities at work
  • necessary information, training, instruction or supervision of workers, and
  • conditions at the workplace are monitored to ensure any risks remain adequately controlled.

Chamber continues to seek clarity around many of the identified issues in the guide and the associated hazards, and will keep you updated as to any clarification we receive.

Download the guide here:

Further Information:

Scheduled Events:


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