Thanks to the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning for their partnership with and support of the Chamber, a sold out venue heard first hand about the opportunities at our port and how local businesses can be involved.
Craig Haymes, CEO of Gladstone Ports Corporation spoke about the future focus of GPC including the opportunites for local businesses looking to export or import through the Bundaberg Port. The Common Use Infrastructure is progressing, as is the Pacific marine Base Bundaberg, while the Port Marina and Gateway Developments add a commercial and residential side to an area that is dominated by manufacturing.
David Quinn for STL expanded on the CUI project and the next steps for the terminal, outlining the potential for growth in the port.
Kim Jenkins provide a breakdown of the Pacific Tug Group and just what facilities will be available, particularly for those looking to expand into markets in the Pacific.
Lisa Wickham CFO with Okara outlined the opportunites that they are growing and how shipping from Bundaberg can generate some significant savings for an organisation, rather than road transport to Brisbane.
One of the key points for the day is that these developments, and others in the pipeline, are looking for more than just construction workers in their tendering documents. The scope of work and breadth of work packages to be relased, means that many businesses who have never considered tendering work, need to get up to speed on how to tender and what requirements they need to have.
With some of the largest investment we have ever seen in the area, local jobs will be the key for some of these projects. Over the next few months, keep an eye for training, workshops and seminars that will help all businesses get a handle on tendering for work.